Summary of the article:
To become a homepage manager, you must be a member or an administrator of the platform. Guest users cannot be designated managers.
Once designated manager, the member can access a new tab from the Administration menu. A new Home icon also appears in the left sidebar.
Once the Homepage is activated by an administrator, it is only accessible to managers until they choose to make it visible.
NB: an administrator is not designated manager of the homepage by default. If he wants to manage the module, he needs to designate himself as manager.
Creating a homepage
Depending on what your communication objectives are, you can create one homepage or more.
To do so:
simply click on + Add a page from the Administration
or, from the Home icon, select the + tab
The objective here is to share the right information to the right people. In order to do so, you can create a page for each internal department or by location, for example.
When creating a page, a window opens to help you define:
the name of the new page,
who will be able to see the page,
the status of the page (Draft or Published).
You can display the page to:
1/ everyone, i.e. administrators, members and guests.
2/ all members, i.e. to administrators and non-guest members
3/ selected users of your choice and/or to groups of users
NB: homepage managers can control all the pages that have been created.
Inserting, editing, deleting row on a home page
Once your page has been created, you can define the layout of the content and information you wish to share by selecting a row format from those displayed.
1/ Inserting a row
To begin simply, create your first row of content by selecting + and choosing a row model among the 6 listed.
You can then add row directly by clicking on the red + associated with the location of your choice, above or below the existing row(s).
NB: there is no limit to the number of rows you can add.
2/ Modifying the format of a row
If the row format you have chosen does not suit you, you can modify it at any time by clicking on Edit row.
A window will then open, allowing you to choose a new format. The existing content will automatically adapt to the new chosen format.
3/ Deleting a row
You can also delete a row entirely. Be careful, the content present in the row you want to delete will also be permanently deleted.
To delete a row, click on the trash can next to Edit row.
Adding, modifying, publishing and deleting modules
Only Homepage managers are allowed to add, modify, publish and delete contents shared on the Homepage.
You have created your page and chosen your first row? You can now add your first content modules.
1/ Publishing a Module
After creating a homepage and defining a content row, you can choose in the column(s) of your row the module you want to publish.
You can add modules before or after the existing ones without creating new rows. The format of the row will remain the same and will extend over the page.
The carousel must always be placed in the first position on the row. You will not be able to add a module above a carousel independently of the row. You can however add a new row with new elements above it.
Different modules are proposed and can be used:
an Articles module to publish information,
a Referent module to highlight contact points,
an Events module to highlight important events. ℹ️ It will soon be possible to bring up the events of your shared agenda on a homepage.
A Carousel module that allows you to condense different information in one section. ℹ️ Limit of one carousel per page.
2/ Modifying or deleting a Module
You can edit or delete a Module by selecting the gear icon associated with the Module.
3/ Moving a Module
You can move the modules you have created if their positioning does not suit you or if you wish to highlight a module.
To do this, click on the gear icon of the module you wish to move and click on Move.
You will enter the editing mode, which will allow you to choose the new location of the module to be moved. You are not limited to the parent row of the module. You can move it to the other rows created.
NB: a module can only be moved within the page in which it was created.
If you do not wish to move the module, you can quit the editing mode by clicking on the Exit edition mode button.
Publishing an article
This module allows you to publish information in a static way.
To publish an article, go to the page where the article will be published and choose the row and column where it will be positioned.
An editing window will open, you must then enter :
a title for your article,
a description to be able to add it.
You also have the possibility to add :
a link URL,
the title of the link,
an image or a video (imported or from a video hosting site).
NB: we recommend you to add a media respecting the dimensions of 1040 x 480 px.
Inserting a video from Youtube©
To insert a video from Youtube©, in the editing page, paste the link of the video in the link URL zone.
Check Use Youtube thumbnail as media so the image of your publication will be the thumbnail of the video.
You can then choose among the users of your platform who is the author of the publication.
You can post with a company profile as you’ll do on the newsfeed.
To do this, manually search for the company profile name.
You will also be able to choose which users can see this content:
all users,
members only,
guest only.
Then choose the status you want to give to your publication. If you don't want to publish the information instantly, simply select the Draft tab and then click Add.
To publish, select Publish for the publication status, then Publish.
Publishing an Event
To publish an Event, go to the page where it will be published and choose the row and column where it will be positioned.
You need to fill in the same fields as those presented in the Publishing an Article section of this article.
To publish the event, you can fill in as additional information:
a date,
a time slot,
the place of the event.
Publishing a Carousel
The Carousel module allows you to condense different news items into one section. ℹ️ Limit of one carousel per page.
To publish a Carousel, click on the dedicated button. It is necessary to choose a line with medium to large size modules. A small module cannot contain a Carousel (so it will be grayed out).
You have to fill in the same fields as those presented in the Publishing an Article section.
NB: A carousel will always be placed in the first position of the line in which it is integrated.
The maximum number of articles to be included in a Carousel is 6.
Creating, deleting or modifying articles in a Carousel.
Click on the cogwheel of the Carousel module presented previously, a window will open with the list of the different articles present on it.
You can for each item:
modify them by clicking on the gearwheel,
delete them by clicking on the trash can.
The Carousel automatically scrolls the different articles. It is also possible to navigate manually in it using the 2 arrows on the top right.
Adding referents
Referents are contact points for your organization.
To add referents, click on the Referents' module in the row of your choice.
You can then choose which of the platform's users will be the preferred contact points.
Publishing a homepage
To publish the Homepage, go to Administration → Home → click on the cogwheel corresponding to the page you want to publish → Edit Page.
Make sure you have enabled the Published to everyone option for each article you want to publish. A draft article is not visible to users of the platform.
If you choose to publish a portal containing unpublished contributions, these will not be displayed to users and will remain visible only to managers
Who can manage and publish the Homepage?
Only the managers of the Homepage can manage and publish content. The managers of the Homepage are designated from the Administration by an administrator.
Is it possible to manage and publish the Homepage on the Standard and Premium plans?
It is possible to manage and publish the Homepage on both plans.
Related keywords
Managers, administrators, events, presentation, company, home portal, organization, information, headlines, referrers, draft, publication, content, contribution, image, video, carousel, modules.
To take things up a notch
Activating the Homepage,
The Homepage.