The Agenda

What’s new on Talkspirit: our newest Calendar application

Updated over a week ago

The Talkspirit calendar is getting a new look!

You can now:

  • access your coworkers’ calendar,

  • customize your calendar view,

  • synchronize your Google Calendar/Microsoft Outlook calendars with Talkspirit in both ways

Presentation of the newest Agenda section

The Talkspirit agenda is organized at the user scope, not the group scope. Each user of the platform will therefore have access to a view of all the events in which they are participating, independently of the groups to which they belong. A user therefore finds in his agenda:

  • the groups’ events of which he is a member,

  • private events to which he has been invited,

  • the events of his personal calendar if it has been synchronized.

Access your events’ information

It is possible to access your events from:

  • the events tab,

  • the events section linked to a group.

The Events tab

The calendar is now accessible from a dedicated Events entry in the left sidebar of the platform. This gives you access to a global view of all your events as well as the events of the users you have chosen to include in this view.

From this view, you can display all your events:

  • by week,

  • by month,

  • by year.

By selecting the View weekends option, you also integrate Saturdays and Sundays into this calendar view.

The Events section linked to a group

It is always possible to access a view of your groups' events from the group. You just have to select the Events section linked to the group.

You will then have access to a view of all the events of the group. The default view shows all the events in the group sorted from the most recently created event to the oldest one.

Each event is associated with a card. On each card you can find all the information related to the event. A Take part! button appears on the cards of events to which you have not yet responded.

By selecting Take part! the group's card will also appear in the Attendee tab.

You can then filter the events by:

  • whether they have not yet occurred using the Upcoming tab,

  • whether you are participating in them thanks to the Attendee tab,

  • if they have already happened thanks to the Past tab.

NB: if you have created a recurrence of an event, then only one card is created for all recurring events to come.

Attendee tab

For the event to appear from this tab, you must have indicated that you are participating in the event. You will have to click on Take part! for the event to appear in the tab.

You will be asked whether or not you are participating in an event when the creator of the post activates the option Request for invitation answers. This option is enabled by default and can be disabled.

If the event author did not enable the invitation response request when creating the event, then event attendees will not be able to indicate that they are attending the event and therefore will not be able to find the event from the Attendee tab.

Accessing your events from the news feed

When you create an event, it is no longer automatically displayed in the group's news feed. However, it is possible to:

  • share the event in the news feed,

  • link an already created event to a post if you want to communicate about the meeting.

Share the event in the news feed

When creating an event, you can share the event in the news feed of a group or a user. The event can then be commented by the members of the group.

To do so, you just have to select the option Share this event in a post.

Linking an event to a post

It is possible to link an event to a post from the calendar. You just have to select the event. A small preview window will show the event.

Simply select the title of the event, and the event will appear as a post. By pressing the circular dots on the right, you can select Share in the newsfeed.

The event will then be shared in the newsfeed.

NB: events created before the upgrade of the calendar will still appear in the news feed as an event attached to a post. This will allow you to find the comments and reactions linked to it.

Each new event created will no longer automatically appear in the News Feed.

Create an event

Just like for a simple post, it is necessary to fill in :

  • a recipient of the event,

  • a title.

It is also mandatory to enter the date and time of the beginning and end of the event. You can add a description of the meeting.

You will also be able to share a personalized video conference link by selecting the option Generate a video conference link.

You will only need to enter the keywords you want to find in the video conference url to generate a link. Select Publish to publish the event.

Once the event is published, the platform users will be able to connect from a link displayed in the event description.

NB: as events are no longer shared on the group's news feed, the user will be able to easily find the videoconference link by selecting the event concerned: the event information will then be displayed.

By clicking on the videoconference link, the user will be able to join the meeting.

When creating the event, you have the possibility to :

  • create a recurrence of this event by choosing the Repeat the event option. You will then have to choose the frequency of repetition of this event.

NB: The Recurring event allows you to observe that an event is repeated.

  • ask the group members to confirm whether they will participate in the event or not. This will allow the author of the event to know who will participate in his meeting and thus better organize it. The participants who have indicated that they will participate will be able to find the event from a dedicated Attendee tab.

  • make the event private. Only events between users can be set as private. For an event started at the group level, the group privacy settings will be applied at the event level. In the case of a private event, only group members will be able to access the details of the event. Users of the platform who are not members of the group will see that an event is in progress but will not have more information about it.

Who can use this feature?

All users of the platform can access the Events tab.

Can I use the feature on the Essentials, Standard and Premium plans?

The Events tab is available on all three plans. On the Essentials plan, however, you will be limited to 30 days of event history.

Associated keywords

Agenda, events, event, calendar, group, user.

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