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Enable bulk actions on the drive

This article is for the administrators of the platform

Updated over a week ago

You can allow users to upload, move and delete files in bulk on the platform.

Enable or limit bulk actions for drive users

You can allow the users to upload, move and delete files in bulk in groups from the administration. To do so, you just have to select the Drives section.

You can then choose to allow those actions to:

  • all users,

  • group administrators only.

When allowing those actions to group administrators only group members can't upload, move and delete documents in bulk in group drives.

The users will however be able to upload, move and delete files in bulk from their personal drive My drive or from the Shared with me section.

The administrator can allow a group administrator to edit those permissions.

Allow group administrators to redefine permissions

To allow group administrators to redefine those permissions, simply go to the Drives tab of the administration and enable the dedicated option.

Who can allow bulk actions?

Only platform administrators can allow bulk actions.

Can we allow bulk actions on Standard and Premium plans?

It is possible to allow bulk actions on both plans.

Keywords associated

Delete, move, upload, import, export, bulk, group, administrator, group administrator, permission, drive.

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