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The Homepage on mobile

This article is for all the users of the platform

Updated over a week ago


The Homepage is similar to an Intranet portal. It allows you to share general information and events in a modern and more editorial format. Each content can be associated with an internal or external link to the platform.

On mobile, you’ll be able to read the news a homepage manager has given you access to.

On mobile, the presentation of the homepage is different from the computer version.

You will though find the same content.

NB: it is not possible to edit home portals from the mobile app, this will only be possible from a computer.

Choosing your Home page

To choose the homepage you want to display, click on the chevron at the top right of the portal name.

A window will open listing all portals to which a homepage manager has given you access.

NB: only homepage managers can create and edit those portals.

Opening a module

From your mobile, you can display an overview of all the contents shared on the page. To entirely display the content, To view the entire module, selectgo to the module of your choice and click on [...] View more.

You will then be redirected to the full content.

Good to know

On mobile, Carousels are not displayed, each article appears separately.

A Carousel is a module available on the desktop and browser versions of the homepage. A carousel allows you to scroll through several items in a row. Find more information on this point in this article.

Who can access the mobile homepage?

All users of the platform can access the mobile homepage.

Can I access the mobile homepage on the Standard and Premium plans?

It is possible to access the mobile homepage on both plans.

Related keywords

mobile homepage, administrator, manager, user, guest, member, information, portal, intranet, events, referents, articles, carousel, news, application

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