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Birthdays and work anniversaries
Birthdays and work anniversaries
Updated over a week ago

To sum up

Don't miss your coworkers' birthdays anymore! From now on, display the birthdays and work anniversaries of your colleagues in your agenda and on the profile page.

⚠️ To use this feature, you will first need:

Fill in your birthday and work anniversary dates

Your birthday and work anniversary can be displayed:

  • from the Events menu,

  • on your profile page, if an administrator of the platform has chosen to display this information at this level.

To display this information, it will be necessary to fill in these dates from the Profile & Preferences menu, Information tab. You will then be able to fill in the Birthday and Work Anniversary fields.

NB: find out how to set up your profile information in this article.

Display birthdays and work anniversaries' dates

1. Display birthdays

If an administrator has enabled the display of birthdays from the Administration, you can display the birthdays from the Events menu of the platform.

To do this, select the Birthday calendar: all the birthdays entered on the platform will be displayed.

NB: if a user has not filled in his birthday from the Profile and Preferences menu, it will not appear in your calendar.

2. Display work anniversaries

If an administrator has enabled the display of work anniversaries from the Administration, you can display the anniversaries from the Events menu.

To do so, select the Work anniversaries calendar and all the work anniversaries filled in the platform will appear.

⚠️ if a user has not filled in their work anniversary date from the Profile and Preferences menu, it will not appear in your calendar.

Sending a birthday message

You will be able to quickly send a chat message to the person who is celebrating their birthday.

To do so, click on the event displayed in your calendar.

You can then send a chat message by clicking on Send a message.

NB: you will be automatically redirected to the chat conversation with this user.

Good to know

From the Administration, the administrator can choose to allow the display of:

  • birthdays,

  • work anniversaries,

  • birthdays and work anniversaries.

Are birthdays and work anniversaries available on the Standard and Premium plans?

Birthdays and work anniversaries are available on both plans.

Keywords associated

Birthday, work, celebrate, notifications, calendar, chat, conversation, message, event

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