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The Projects app

This article is for all the users of the platform

Updated over a week ago

The Projects app is available on your platform.

This app allows you to follow the progress of your projects in real time.

To access the application, an administrator of the platform must activate Projects from the administration.

You will then be able to select the dedicated Projects menu to access the app.

The Projects app is divided into several sections:

  • a section gathering your personal projects,

  • a section gathering your group projects,

  • a section called My tasks.

Personal projects

You can create personal projects that will be accessible to you only. These projects can however be shared with other users of the platform by selecting the + icon.

NB: guest users will only be able to share their personal project with users who are members of the same groups as them.

Group projects

You can create projects that you'll link to groups you're a member of.

There are two levels of confidentiality for group projects:

  • open group projects,

  • private group projects.

Open group projects

All members of the group can access the project. However, this group project can also be shared with other users.

The users invited to join the project will however be limited to the group project and won't have access to other projects. You'll have to invite them to these other projects to give them access.

NB: users who aren't members of the group and who are invited to join a group project will only have access to the project. They won't be able to access the other sections of the group (group chat, group drive, news feed posts, ...).

Private group projects

In the case of a private group project, group members have the possibility to access the project upon invitation by the owner. Other users can also be invited to join the group project.

To invite group members to join the project, simply select the dedicated + icon.

The My Tasks section

You have a My Tasks section that gathers all the cards you've been assigned to, all projects included.

You can:

  • click on a card to access its content,

  • validate the card (it then disappears from the My tasks view),

  • return to the project by selecting the project name on the card.

You can organize these cards in different sections. These sections are customizable and personal.

To create a new section, simply select Add a section. You'll then be asked to fill in the name of the section.

Once the section is created, you can drag and drop the cards located in the All Tasks section into the section of your choice.

Creating the project structure and related actions

Create the structure

To structure your project, select Add a column and name the column.

NB: it is necessary to create a column to add tasks.

These columns can be:

  • the main lines of your project,

  • the follow-up steps of a product/service/item (to do, in progress, to be validated, published, ...).

You can delete a column by scrolling down the chevron and choosing Delete column.

NB: by deleting the column you delete the tasks inside.

Create the tasks

Once the column is built, you can create a card for each action you're going to take. This card can be moved from one column to another: you can therefore follow the progress of your project in real time.

You can associate to each card:

  • a due date. If this date is the current or next day's date, the due date turns orange. If the due date is past, then it turns red.

Once the card is validated, the orange or red expiration date will become neutral again.

  • a label: you must first create the label by choosing the keyword and the color you want to associate with your card. Once the label is created, it will be available for each card in the project.

The label can allow you to assign a level of importance to your card (Important, Medium, Low) or allow you to associate keywords to your action.

  • assign platform users: you can assign users to notify them that an action is expected from them on the card.

  • a description: to share more information about the actions to be taken on the card.

  • comments: to start a discussion thread with project participants about the action of your choice.

Once the action associated with the card has been processed, you can validate the card and thus obtain an overall view of the tasks you've completed.

When your action is processed and validated, you can move it to a column listing all completed projects or delete it.

To delete the card, just click on it and select the 3 dots icon > Delete.

You can also copy the card link and share it with platform users for a quick access to its content.

Project notifications

The user receives a notification when:

  • he's invited to join a project,

  • he's mentioned in the comment or the description of a task,

  • he's assigned to a card.

If the user is assigned to a task, then he'll receive notifications when the task:

  • is moved to another column,

  • is associated with a due date,

  • is associated with a new comment,

  • is validated.

Who can use the Projects application?

All users of the platform can use the Projects module if an administrator has activated it on the platform.

Can I use the Projects module on the Essentials, Standard and Premium packages?

The Projects application is only available on the Premium plan. It is not possible to use the module on the Standard and Essentials plans. However, you can try the app for 30 days with the Standard offer.

Associated Keywords

Project, group, achievement, card, follow-up, collaboration.

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