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Sign in with Talkspirit mobile app
Updated over a week ago

Talkspirit has a mobile application (iOS, Android) as well as a mobile site on which it is possible to sign in. More information in this article.

Who should read this article?

This article is for future administrators, members and guests.

You can connect to your platform on the mobile site in three ways :

  • by entering your email address,

  • by entering your identifier,

  • by scanning a QR Code.

Warning: for a connection with an identifier, the administrator must have activated the option in the platform settings and have previously given you a connection code.

Sign in on a phone with an email address

Once on your platform's mobile site, or on the iOS/Android application, you just have to fill in your email address and click on Sign in.

You’ll then access your platform.

NB: if your email address is used on several platforms, you’ll be asked which organization you wish to join.

Simply select the platform and fill in the Password field to access your account.

Sign in on a phone with an identifier

To sign in with an identifier, simply go to your platform's mobile site or the iOS/Android application.

Fill in your username and password in the corresponding fields, then click on Sign in.

You’ll then access your account.

Sign in on a phone with a QRCode

From a mobile application (iOS/Android) you also have the possibility to sign in with a QRCode.

To do so, you’ll first need to be connected to the platform with a computer and go to the Help & More section of the left side menu bar. Then select Apps Mobile: to see the QRCode.

On your cell phone, select Sign in with QRCode. The photo screen will then open: point it to the QRCode on your computer. Your account will open instantly on your mobile.

Forgot your password?

You forgot your password: you can create a new one from the mobile site or the mobile app.

Connect to the homepage of your platform and fill in your email address.

The field dedicated to the password will appear with a mention Forgot? Select this mention.

A link to reset your password will be sent to your mailbox.

Signing in with Android

It is necessary to set up a lock key on your phone so that the information provided during the connection is considered secure. Otherwise, the information entered will not be stored.

This will also help secure your organization's data. Without a code, the data shared on the platform would be more easily accessible by a third party.

Step 1: Add a lock code from your phone settings. It can be a numbered code, facial recognition, a schema, a finger print, ...

Step 2: Once the lock code is activated, you'll have to uninstall and reinstall the Talkspirit application.

Step 3: You can normally connect to the application in a secure way without having to enter your login and password each time you connect.

Do not hesitate to contact the support if you need help.

Associated keywords

Identifier, invitation, email, signing up, signing in.

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