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Download a statistics report
Download a statistics report
Updated over 8 months ago

Benefit from a global vision of the uses of your platform thanks to statistics.

Easily track and analyze the data that interests you, so it is possible to see the most and least used modules on your platform and who are the most active users.

Take measures to improve usage data or continue to improve usage.

The data can be downloaded directly in 2 formats:

  • Raw, in a spreadsheet format (xlsx) which you can then process and analyze as you wish over 365 days.

  • A presentation (pptx) which offers you layout slides with the different statistics via annual graphs.

How to export statistics?

From the administration, in the statistics tab, two possibilities for exporting data are offered:

  • Spreadsheet format: xlsx file with raw data over one year.

  • Presentation format: pptx file formatted with usage graphs over one year.

XLSX format (raw data)

This raw data format allows you to create your own platform usage reports by tracking the data of your choice.

Different tabs are available in the file to allow you to easily analyze the data:

  • Global usage data,

  • Modules activated on groups,

  • The top 100 groups with the most members,

  • The average number of users connected on weekdays over 1 year,

  • Data on the uses and contributions of the different modules of your platform.

PPTX format (pre-layout)

This format allows you to quickly present a report of platform usage data and the different modules used on the platform for a meeting for example.

Different slides are available in the presentation to allow you to analyze the data easily and quickly:

  • Connection data,

  • Connection data by medium,

  • Overview of group activity on your platform,

  • Overview of the videoconferences carried out,

  • Data on the uses and contributions of the different modules of your platform.

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