Activate the validation process
Updated over a week ago

The validation process allows your collaborators to have their publications validated by a group manager or by another member of the group before publishing them on the newsfeed.

Review these posts, suggest changes from a chat thread, and validate the posts from a dedicated entry.

Activate the validation process

To activate the validation process, go to the Administration, Newsfeed section and select the option.

💡 Once activated, a new Eye button will appear on the News Feed of all users of your platform.

All users will then be able to submit their future publication for review.

Group managers will be able to define whether reviewing posts is required to post to their group.

This allows managers to play a moderating role on their group while delegating the sharing of information.

Good to know

This process is beneficial for both employees and managers, as it allows facilitate the sharing of feedback on both sides. Everyone can give their opinion and suggest changes before validating the publications, which allows for consistent internal communication.

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