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The groups administrator
Updated over 3 years ago

A platform administrator can assign group administrators.

Group administrators are members of the platform with the same group management permissions as an administrator at the administration level.

When a member is assigned groups administrator, he or she has additional permissions at the administration level.

An administrator cannot be assigned groups administrator because he or she already has all the group management permissions.

Guest users cannot be assigned group administrators.

Who can become groups administrator?

All members of the platform can become group administrators if an administrator of the platform has enabled it. Administrators already have groups administration rights. A guest cannot be assigned a group administrator.

Can I become groups administrator on Standard and Premium offers?

It is possible to become groups administrator on both plans.

What's the difference between both the role of groups administrator and group manager?

It is important not to confuse both roles.

Groups administrators are members with the same rights to administer groups as an administrator. They have therefore additional permissions compared to a member of the platform at the administration level.

A group manager can only be a group manager once the group has been created. He has additional permissions to the group members in the group settings.

A groups administrator

A group manager

Sees all the groups created on the platform from the administration (open, private, secret, archived). He does not see deleted groups.

Only sees open and private groups created on the platform from the groups directory as all members of the platform.

Can manage all the groups created on the platform from the administration (open, private, secret, archived)

Can manage the groups he/she manages from the group settings.

Can create groups from the administration.

Can create groups from the group directory if an administrator has enabled it as all members of the platform.

Is not necessarily a member of the groups he administrates.

Must be a member of the groups it manages.

Does not necessarily have access to the information shared in the groups he administrates (if he is not a member of the group)

Has access to all the information shared in the groups he manages.

Keywords associated

Administration, groups, members, guests, administrator, group.

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