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Users without email
Updated over 3 years ago

With talkspirit, users without emails can access the platform. They just need a unique identifier (for instance their employee number).

Enable invitations without email

By default, users without email cannot be invited.

An administrator has to enable this feature to make it allowed.

To do that, the administrator has to go to Dashboard > Authorizations, and enable the feature "Sign up / in without email"

Once this feature is enabled, new options are proposed to invite in the admin dashboard. Moreover Sign in and sign up pages are modified to allow users to sign up / in without email.

Invite and sign up


Only administrators can invite users without email, from the dashboard > Manage users and Invitations pages.

From the "Invite" menu, 3 options are proposed under "By access code":

  • New members users: invited users will become members once signing up. They will join default groups and groups they were invited to.

  • New guests users: invited users will become guests once signing up. They will join groups they were invited to.

  • Bulk invite members users: an Excel file can be uploaded to bulk invite. Invited users will become members once signing up. They will join default groups.

For each of these options, the administrator will have to define a uid (unique identifier) for each invited user. This uid is a string (letters and digits) the administrator has to type in for each invited user. It must be unique : the administrator can for instance user the employee number. The user will have to use the association uid:domain (domain being the domain of the organisation) to be able to sign in.

Access code

Once the invitations are processed, an access code is generated for each invited user. This code mus be sent to the user so that he can sign up.

Only administrators can get these access codes. Then they have to communicate them to the users by their own means (letter, mobile text message...).

There are 2 ways to get the access codes from the Dashboard > Manage invitations:

  • from the "By access code" invitations list, the administrator can click on each invited user to "See the access code"

  • the administrator can also "Export all the invitations". The access codes will be provided in the exported Excel file

Sign up

Once the access code is communicated to the invited user, he can go to the home page of the platform.

By clicking on "Sign up", he can choose to sign up "By access code".

Once the access code is submitted, the user is redirected to a page where he sees his sign in identifier and has to define a password.

Then, he is logged in.

Next time, he will be able to sign in with his identifier + password.

Password update

If the user forgets his password, he cannot get it back by email. Only the administrator can redefine a password for him. Once the password his redefined, the administrator has to communicate it to the user by his own means.

To redefine a password, the administrator has to go to the dashboard > Manage users, find the user and click "Change password". This option is proposed only if the user does not have an email.

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