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Email deliverability
Email deliverability
Updated over a week ago

talkspirit will send emails to your users within you platform :

  • transactional emails like reming password, mentions notifocations...

  • non transactional emails like activities summaries...

It is very important that emails sent by talkspirit are not blocked by your organisation's email infrastructure. This page provides the details about our servers and email headers so that you can ensure these emails are deliverable.

From and return-path

Emails sent by our services are from the following addresses:

The return path domains are:





Email Servers

The IP addresses of the email servers of our main providers are:

  • ( - 127)

  • ( - 255)







Your email administrator should whitelist these email origin servers' IP addresses to ensure that our emails are not rejected.

Verifying Email Origin

To prove that emails coming from actually originate from us, talkspirit uses the industry standard technology DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).

Your email administrator should configure your mail host to verify the DKIM record of all talkspirit emails to ensure that you do not accept spoofed emails.

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