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Customizing the platform: logo, login page, graphic theme
Customizing the platform: logo, login page, graphic theme
Updated over a week ago

This article is intended for talkspirit administrators. talkspirit has defined which of the platform's graphic properties you can customize.

Editing graphic properties

  • Click the gear icon on the left-hand navigation menu

  • Click on the Customization link

Displaying your logo on the platform

By default, only your team's name is visible. To display your logo underneath your team name at the top of the left-hand navigation menu, click on the "+" icon and upload your logo. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

To undo having the icon displayed, click on the "" icon and click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

To only display a logo in this space, uncheck "Display team name at the top of the navigation bar" and click Save.

Displaying your logo in the emails

By default, only your team's name is visible at the top of each email sent by the platform. To display your logo, click on the "+" icon and upload your logo. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

To undo having the icon displayed, click on the "" icon and click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Change your team's/organization's login page image

You can customize the background image that is displayed on your team's/organization's login page.

Click on "+" and upload your image. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Editing your team/organization's default graphic theme

talkspirit offers a range of graphic themes that you can easily apply to your platform.

Click on a theme, change the main colors (which apply to the left-hand navigation menu and the chat), secondary colors (which apply to the links in the left-hand navigation menu) and tertiary colors (which apply to icons and link buttons), modify text color and click Save.

By default, all members of your team/organization can customize the platform with their own theme. To remove this privilege, uncheck the Allow members to customize button.

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