talkspirit allows you to automatically receive posts from a web service each time an HTTP POST request is sent to a secret URL.
Configuring a new incoming webhook
Click the gear icon at the top of the left-hand navigation menu
Click on the Integrations link
Look for Incoming webhook, and click the Add button
Choose the group you want to integrate posts into
Enter a title for this webhook (optional)
Click on Add
The service will supply you with a secret URL address on which to perform your requests. Information should be sent in a JSON format in the body of a POST request.
Data will be shown in talkspirit in this way:
Nb: You can assign labels to posts created with the webhooks. To do so, you must send a new attribute "labels" in the body of the post, which contains an array of ids of labels you want to assign. The ids of the labels can be obtained in the url when you filter the wall with labels.
Deleting a webhook
According to the group's defined privileges, a webhook configured within a group can be deleted by all group members, group managers or by an administrator.
To delete a webhook, click the Manage tab of the page associated with the webhook. Then click Delete next to the name of the service you want to remove.
Deleting a webhook doesn't delete content that has already been posted.
To learn more
Go to our dedicated site for developers: