Integrate Google Drive
Updated over a week ago

talkspirit allows you to attach Google Drive files to your posts

You can ask us to enable this integration using our own Google Drive App.

If you own a Google Apps subscription you can also configure your own Google application. To do so, follow the steps:

Configure Google Drive

The Google Drive service requires you to configure a Google application. Here are the steps required to configure a Google application :

  • Once the API is activated, go to the Credentials tab

  • Click on the OAuth consent screen tab

  • Enter a product name (the name of your organization for example)

  • Click Save. You go back then to the Identifiers tab

  • Click on Create credentials > OAuth client ID

  • Choose Web Application

  • Give this a name (the name of your organization for example)

  • In Authorized Javascript origins and in Authorized redirect URIs, enter the URL of your organization (e.g.

  • Click on the Create button

  • You will then receive the client ID needed to configure the file picker

Integrate Google Drive

Only an administrator can enable the Google Drive connector for their team.

To enable Google Drive:

  • Click the gear icon of the left-hand navigation menu

  • Click on the Files link

  • Click on the Configure button

  • Enter the client ID of the Google application you have configured

  • Click on the Enable button

When you post a comment or a message, a Google Drive icon will now be displayed allowing you to open the Google Drive file picker and choose files to be attached to your content.

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